Our Address
8, Higashi 4-sen Kita
Naka Furano, Sorachi-gun
Hokkaido 071-0774, Japan
Set your car navigation map code at 349 126 705*66.
Getting here
Airport (by Car)
Asahikawa (approx. 40 mins, via R237)
New Chitose (approx. 2 hours, via R237 & Doto Expway)
By Bus to Furano Train
Asahikawa Airport (Furano Bus, Lavender No. 1 Bus Schedule (approx. 50 minutes)
Sapporo Station Bus Terminal (Furano Highway Bus Bus Schedule)
Nearest Train Station (pick-up service available)
Naka Furano (8 minutes by car)
Furano (8 minutes by car)
Nearby Shops, Restaurants and Supermarket
Furano Town Center (10 minutes by car)
Nakafurano Town Center (8 minutes by car)
Car Park
Parking is complimentary for all guests.
Motorcycles are welcome too!
Just note that the ground is filled with gravels...
We do not accept responsibility for any loss of valuables or damages to the vehicles parked here.
Our Shuttle Service
Furano & Nakafurano Train Station
Pick-up/drop-off is generally available between 16:00 - 19:45 (subject to availability). Last drop-off time in the morning will be at 09:00. Kindly contact us latest by 1 day before to discuss the timing.
Furano Ski Resort
Please contact us to book (earliest 7 days in advance).
Departure from Shooting Star : 08:45
Pick-up from Furano Ski Resort : 16:30
The shuttle service to Furano ski resort is provided during the winter season (Dec-Mar) on a booking basis, up to 5 passengers each way.